7 Quotes by Mary Kate about spiritual
- Author Mary Kate
Don't follow your heart-follow the One who made it!
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- Author Mary Kate
When you get lost in the flow of life, find yourself in the fortress of God!
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- Author Mary Kate
The plan to deal with fears: #1. Fear the Lord!#2. Let the Lord deal with the rest!
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- Author Mary Kate
God has the flashlight, let Him LIGHT the way!
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- Author Mary Kate
Without Scripture, our words would be without meaning!
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- Author Mary Kate
Life is hard, but it isn't the difficulties that create it; its the victories!! Not the kind of victories where you are standing on top of a mountain yelling out a victory chant- No! Those small victories are what defines life! The victories where you sometimes have to sit back and let the Lord handle the problem!
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- Author Mary Kate
Finding who you are means losing yourself, and letting the Creator put you back together!
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