21 Quotes by Mateo Sol about intuition
- Author Mateo Sol
Dear empath: You are a being of immense depth, wisdom, and compassion. You are a pioneer and trailblazer of humanity, a model for others on how to be sensitive and powerful. All the strength and love you need is already within you, waiting to be discovered.
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- Author Mateo Sol
Empath children are highly influenced by the energy of the household, including the energy of you as a parent. This means that your child will be perceptive of your moods and will feel everything that you feel, regardless of whether you want them to or not.
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- Author Mateo Sol
The sad thing that many of us empaths don’t realize is that often our desire to heal others is a disguised cry for help for our own healing. Because many of us weren’t taught how to value or nurture ourselves at a young age, we tend to unconsciously seek out our own healing in the healing of others.
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- Author Mateo Sol
According to studies, empathic children are more susceptible to developing problems such as anxiety and depression in later life, especially if they experience emotionally turbulent upbringings.
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- Author Mateo Sol
As children, a great number of us were taught by our parents, carers, extended family members, and teachers, that showing any form of emotional vulnerability was “not OK.” We were conditioned to believe that in order to be acceptable as human beings, we had to be like the other children. We were taught to “suck it up,” “stop being cry babies,” “get thicker skin,” “stop being so sensitive” and go participate with the other kids, even if they overwhelmed us with their energy.
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- Author Mateo Sol
As an empath, it’s vital that you learn how to hold space for your emotions, even the most painful ones. By anchoring yourself in your breath, you can learn how to witness the emotional energy of others within you, without attaching yourself to these sensations.
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- Author Mateo Sol
An energy vampire can never “steal” energy from us unless we consciously or unconsciously permit them to.
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- Author Mateo Sol
When it comes to relationships, empaths truly shine. This is because it is not the face, body or personality of a person that empaths fall in love with, it is their Soul.
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- Author Mateo Sol
Instead of trying to “shield” yourself as an empath, try to create boundaries instead -- this is a much more healthy, sustainable, and long term practice.
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