285 Quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo about Challenges
"No matter how tall and wide darkness is, it cannot block the stars."
"One who conquers the sea today is ready to conquer the ocean tomorrow."
"If you fail a thousand times, find a thousand and one ways to succeed."
"If the road to your dreams is full of potholes, take the highway."
"To achieve success, ignore doubt; fame, ignore haters; greatness, ignore fear; and immortality, ignore hardship."
"Never despise a seed; one day it will rise and bloom into a forest."
"If beautiful lilies bloom in ugly waters, you too can blossom in ugly situations."
"A rock that perseveres under heat and pressure soon becomes a diamond."
"Ignore your haters. Resist your fears. Embrace your dreams."
"A bird does not give up flying because it failed on its first attempt."