539 Quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo about greatness
"Have the mind of a swam, the heart of a lion, the tongue of a serpent, the flair of a swam, and the soul of a dove."
"If you have never reached rock bottom, you have never attended the school of greatness."
"It is not your enemies that you need to conquer on the journey to greatness, but yourself."
"It is foolish for the moon to compete with the sun for the spotlight."
"There is no limit to what your mind can achieve, what your heart can accomplish, and what your soul can realize."
"In a world full of game players, the only way to set yourself apart is to be a game changer."
"Skill gives you legs to jog, talent gives you legs to run, brilliance gives you legs to sprint, but genius gives you wings to fly."
"The brave with all of their weaknesses are better than the cowardly with all of their strengths."
"Run to brilliance. Sprint to excellence. Soar to transcendence."
"No matter how low the sun sets, the time is coming when it will surely rise."