122 Quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo about Courtship
"Treat marriage like a diamond necklace; if broken, fix it, but do not throw it away."
"If someone is destined to be with you, nothing can keep her away; if she is not, nothing can make her stay."
"False love can be bought; true love is priceless."
"The shrewd marry for money, the scheming marry for status, the calculating marry for power, but the wise marry for love."
"A thousand ways to please your wife boil down to two words: “Yes, dear."
"Love is like lightening; it can strike anyone, anywhere, and at any time."
"If you try to buy love, you will go bankrupt trying to possess it."
"They gave me a thousand reasons to leave you, but I found a thousand and one reasons to be with you."
"A kiss is the easiest thing to throw at someone because its weight is love."
"If you want the most beautiful fish in the sea, make sure you have the most appealing bait."