155 Quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo about Fearless
"If you try to sell honey to bees, they will laugh at you. If you try to sell perfume to flowers, they will chuckle at you. If you try to sell fruit to trees, they will jeer at you. If you try to sell rain to clouds, they will scoff at you. If you try to sell fear to wolves, they will howl at you. If you try to sell terror to lions, they will roar at you."
"Taking a step in the dark is braver than taking a leap in light."
"If you think too much, you will worry too much; if you worry too much, you will fear too much; if you fear too much, you will dread too much; and if you dread too much, you will suffer too much."
"It is easier to rise when you have love in your heart than to fall when you have fear in your soul."
"There is only one predator more formidable than a lion: fear."
"The higher you raise your love the lower you drop your fear."
"The greatest mountain anyone can conquer is fear."
"A divided mind cannot conquer a united soul."
"You either run with lions or walk with sheep."