539 Quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo about greatness
"A bird must have faith in its wings in order to fly."
"The sky is the limit only if you have a problem with reaching for the stars."
"In order for a seed to rise, it must be buried in dirt; likewise, in order for the great to rise they must be buried in adversity."
"The greatest weight a bird gives up when preparing to fly is fear."
"Learn from seeds to rise, no matter how much dirt is thrown at you."
"Use your mind’s talents diligently, your heart’s powers incredibly, and your soul’s genius profitably."
"In a crowd do not lose your individuality, and in your individuality do not lose the crowd."
"If the sky was the limit, stars would not light our way to the edge of the universe."
"Noble leaders choose: wisdom over wealth, knowledge over fame, understanding over honor, virtue over titles, and people over power."
"A seed only begins to manifest its greatest potential the day it is buried in dirt."