4 Quotes by Matthew Donnelly about gratitude
- Author Matthew Donnelly
The path to enlightenment is when you allow presence, love and gratitude to overlap your ego.
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- Author Matthew Donnelly
When you accept discomfort of whatever moment that you are in. The power of that surrender, that letting go of desiring to be in a different situation than the one your in.........will set you free from the hell of your unconscious.
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- Author Matthew Donnelly
The more emphasis we put on wanting things to change, the more unpeaceful we will be. The more emphasis we put on accepting and having gratitude for 'What is' the closer we are to arriving at Nirvana.
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- Author Matthew Donnelly
Don't get caught in the trap of always "Needing" something. Needing something always projects your mind into the future as if you have it and is the opposite of gratitude. Be content in the present moment.
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