16 Quotes by Maurice Paul Obonyo about Spiritual
- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
If you have to work hard to earn a living, you are not wealthy even if you might be an employer or a business owner!
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
If a man chooses to seek a prophet to hear the Lord’s voice, that person might receive a message that is metaphorical and might not be able to understand or interpret it
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
The Lord will always give you desires that are in His will at the time of His calling upon you
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
If you are in obedience to the Lord, you will start experiencing blessings upon your life
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
The Lord is always admonishing those, whom He loves”.
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
The Lord’s will is always antagonistic to the enemy’s will”.
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
When a person is involved in doing the enemy’s will, that person will seem to progress faster but in vain”.
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
If a gift is from enemy, then the Lord cannot use it for your betterment
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- Author Maurice Paul Obonyo
When a person begins to fear the Lord, the Lord will give that person knowledge as he begins to obey His commands
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