6 Quotes by Meg Rosoff about thinking
"Someday I'll understand more of these things. At the moment I just have to think them through. Not everything you want to know is explained properly on Google."
"I'd like to think life has improved since 1850, despite the long hours we all seem to spend slaving over hot computers, but the psychological journeys remain the same - the search for love, identity, a meaningful place in the world."
"I was pretty far gone, but not so far gone that I thought anyone with half a toehold in reality would think what we were doing was a good idea."
"The things that break your heart when you think there`s nothing left to break"
"Perhaps the way to succeed is to think of life on Earth as a colossal joke, a creation of such immense stupidity that the only way to live is to laugh until you think your heart will break."