178 Quotes by Melody Lee about Love
- Author Melody Lee
He felt like sin but tasted like love so, what’s a clumsy girl to do but stumble in delicious rapturous love.
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- Author Melody Lee
I was told if I fell in love with a poetI would become immortal, so I decidedto become the poet and make all thosewho touched my soul, eternal.I write friends and lovers into my stories,weaving them into fragments of sonnets and prose,the nectar of my poetry. My muses, perennial… Evergreen.
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- Author Melody Lee
Stories I read and people I love, conversations I have had, dreams I’ve lost and found, these all become part of me, embedded in my DNA, and if they are lucky, eventually, these things I cherish will be stitched into patchworks of poetry.
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- Author Melody Lee
Once our souls collided and caught fire, there was no turning back. Love is a collision of two stars -- it's as simple and as complicated as that.
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- Author Melody Lee
It was no mere accident you were sent to me, perfect synchronicity. Familiar souls wrapped in skin, brought together through time again.
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- Author Melody Lee
Broken hearts make beautiful wings.
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- Author Melody Lee
Don't think for second you are not a badass warrior. That's precisely your problem, you don't realize how amazingly brilliant and super kickass you are. Your potential is only limited by your mind.
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- Author Melody Lee
My hair smells of oceanic windMy eyes are two starfishThe charming, turquoise seais seducing meThe rhythms of the calmingCrashing waves are my guide Omnipotent, almost holy,They seek to cleanse my polluted soulHere, by the seductive sea,I am unshackled. I am free.I am me.
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- Author Melody Lee
The smell of your lust like marmalade burning incense oranges and jasmine difficult to resist.
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