39 Quotes by Melody Lee about passion
- Author Melody Lee
They told me to pay attention to my heart; that it would lead me to my purpose, my passion. So, I did, I listened closely to the timbre of my heart and it always brought me back to you.
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- Author Melody Lee
He permeated my heart with his adoring love he fed my body with his body, he doused my wanting desperate lips, my aching skin with sonnets and erotic intimacy.
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- Author Melody Lee
Some blazes can’t be extinguished; some forces can’t be controlled. And I will love you whether you want me to or not. There is no other way for me to exist without love, the soul bursting, heart-exploding kind of powerful magnetic love we crave.
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- Author Melody Lee
Electric interaction arose from our skin. I was learning him, he was discovering me.
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- Author Melody Lee
He was a maniac utterly devoted to loving me, and I loved him in return, unapologetically.
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- Author Melody Lee
Pour yourself a cup of steaming coffee, honey, then come pour yourself into me.I need you like you need your morning fix. You need me to breathe.And today, I need you to love me like the moon loves the fearless sea.Love is the only thingthat will heal our tormented hearts.Love is the only thing that will set us free.
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- Author Melody Lee
I want your lips upon my mouth to breathe you in and keep you there to sink my teeth into your skin to feel your soul and taste your mind
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- Author Melody Lee
He filled my void and healed an emptiness deep within. Every time we touched stars sang in unison, the sky lit up and life seemed all the brighter.
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- Author Melody Lee
Writing became my anchor, my solace, my opiate of choice.
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