178 Quotes by Melody Lee about Love
- Author Melody Lee
He is my thunderstorm, the lighting coursing through my veins. I am his hurricane, his colorful bow of rain.
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- Author Melody Lee
She adored fairy tales,yet derived great rewardrewriting them to the melody of her own warrior soul.Her fairytales weren’t made of desperate girlsbeing rescued by handsomespoiled princes.Her stories were made of badass womenteasing monstersand running wild with dragons.
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- Author Melody Lee
Your love was a vine - enchanting and beautiful, crawling around my heart and up my throat; then it strangled me. Your love, hauntingly tragic.
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- Author Melody Lee
Occasionally you can hear her howl, when the sky is black and the moon is full.
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- Author Melody Lee
Sometimes I find myself in the eye of my own hurricane.… He was trouble in my life interrupting my world crashing into my dreams but I was a fucking storm the lightening to his thunder so, what more could a little chaos add but a beautiful catastrophic eruption.
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- Author Melody Lee
Put the two of us together and we become like moonlight and fireflies... all burning and glowing and lighting up the night.
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- Author Melody Lee
Fireflies, to me, are nighttime butterflies, Dazzling the night with magical flashes of light. When I see these teeny tiny sparks dart in the night, I am overcome with a sense of comfort and calm, Same as when a butterfly flutters around me during the day. I’m drawn to the dance of both astonishing critters. They remind me of life. They remind me of hope.
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