218 Quotes by Mensah Oteh about focus
"Achieving your goal should always be of secondary importance. Your focus should be on becoming the kind of person deserving of the goal."
"The greatest value in the goal process is the skills, the knowledge, the discipline, and the character you develop in pursuit of your goal."
"All goals are not created equal; the size of the goal matters but it isn’t as important as the passion behind the goal."
"Goals help you look towards the future with anticipation and excitement rather than with anxiety, and when clearly defined and broken into smaller steps, they enable you pay the price needed to achieve your dreams."
"Life should not be measured by duration alone but by donation also, by what you do during your lifetime."
"Life goals hold the key to a lifetime of success."
"At the end of your life you want to arrive at a well-designed destination rather than an unexpected destination, and you do this by setting life goals, not short-term, not medium, not long-term, but life goals."
"Your goals should not be based on what you can do or what is possible but on what you want."
"Failure is a pitfall of working without a plan."
"Goals reveal your path to success, greatness and significance. Become a master goal setter and you will chart the course of your life."