218 Quotes by Mensah Oteh about focus
"Your life is a direct reflection of your level of investment in yourself, and your success or the lack of it is often decided by your personal development level."
"Commit to the lifestyle of investing in you first. It always produces the best return."
"Investing in yourself is one of the foundations for better relationships, health, happiness, success, and prosperity."
"You can’t excel in everything but you can be exceptional in a few things, so why not choose your life’s focus?"
"You will only ever achieve the level of success that matches your wisdom or personal development level."
"Having a nice library doesn’t make you smart. Don’t buy books and stack them up in your library; read them."
"Invest time, energy, and money into increasing your knowledge and wisdom so you can become the best you can be – it’s the best investment you could make."
"Your wisdom decides your value, the size of the problems you can solve, the opportunities you create, and ultimately the level of success you experience."
"To be successful choose an area of focus in life. It will identify where your energy should be invested and (more importantly) the source of your joy and success."
"Progress can’t be achieved without investing in and constantly improving yourself."