218 Quotes by Mensah Oteh about focus
"Don’t ask what it will cost or how much of your time you will have to sacrifice. Instead, ask what it’s worth."
"The level of success you experience externally is a reflection of your level of personal development internally."
"Good mentors and coaches will help you reach your destination faster than you can by yourself."
"If you wish to be and remain successful, invest a minimum of five to ten per cent of your income each month and your time each day on your personal growth and development."
"Success can’t be achieved without personal development and constantly improving yourself."
"Acting courageously is about knowing and making the right choices based on a deep conviction that dwarfs fear, doubt, and worry."
"Courage is the ability to make yourself take action in spite of your fear."
"Successful people’s dreams aren’t just about results. They’re about the changes their dreams will bring to their lives and the impact achieving their goal will have on those around them."
"Get around people who are trying to make a difference in the world. Iron sharpens iron."
"Although failure is a good learning experience, you don’t have to go through life making mistakes if they can be avoided."