44 Quotes by Micalea Smeltzer about Insider

  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Don’t you two dare say a thing,” she pointed a finger at us, straightening her skirt with the other hand. “Just bite your tongues.”“You look great, Lucinda.”“And you’re a liar and should have your mouth washed out with soap,” she tugged on the sleeves of her cardigan. “Nice pearls,” I pointed to her neck.“Didn’t I tell ya’ll to bite yer tongues,” Gram’s southern drawl became more pronounced when she was irritated.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    No, no, no. No way!” I shook my head and looked at the offending black motorcycle. “I am not getting on that thing!”“Sophie, it’s a motorcycle, it doesn’t bite.”I turned my head to look at the beast. “Really? It looks like it could bite, to me.”“Please, Sophie,” he held out a helmet.I crossed my arms over my chest. “What if I fall off?”“You’re supposed to hang on to me, Soph. What happened to my mighty little she-wolf?”“She packed her bags and left,” I said.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Goodbye is goodbye, Caeden, it doesn’t matter who you’re saying it to,” I turned around and sat down.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    I’m done,” Bryce said, blood dribbling out of the corner of his mouth. “My bruises have bruises and those are quickly forming more bruises.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Wake up, Sophie,” Caeden said against my ear.“Go away,” I mumbled. “Rise and shine,” he said and shook me slightly.“I’m going to stab you in the eye,” I mumbled into the pillow.“Ah, you wouldn’t do that, you like my pretty blue eyes too much.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Stop it,” I smacked him. “What if that was some guy hitting on me? I swear you attract single females in a five mile radius like a fly to honey.” –Sophie to Caeden

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    You need to shave,” I said to wipe that gooey love struck look off his face. I didn’t need my dad to kill him. Caeden grinned and rubbed his stubbly chin. “But you love my scruff,” he said and rubbed his jaw against my face to drive home the point.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Are you gonna finish that?” I asked.“Huh?” he said around a mouthful of roll.Not bothering to wait for his answer I snatched his chicken.“Hey!” he cried with a laugh.I shrugged. “You snooze you lose.” –Sophie to Caeden

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Was that a sufficient distraction?”“Oh yeah,” I said breathlessly.His husky laugh filled the cabin. “Just wait until we descent.” –Caeden to Sophie

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