4 Quotes by Michael Bassey Johnson about crafty
- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't drive a car in the dream, else you won't drive it on earth. Don't wish to become, else you won't become. Don't associate with fools, else your ancestors will be insulted. Don't be addicted to wine, else your pocket will be empty. Don't be drunk, else you'll be attacked.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
There's a big difference on being wise and being crafty. The former is the attribute of God, and the latter is that of Satan.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
The devil depends on a dark secret chance, but God does it now before your own eyes.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Satan will not ask you to carry a chair and sit with him, instead he will snatch the chair from your hands and dismantle your body with it.
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