22 Quotes by Michael Bassey Johnson about Fame
- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't feel better than anybody, because you feel like something. Always have it at the back of your mind that you were nothing before you became something, and that thing you supposed to be is absolutely nothing.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and does amazing things that makes the world think he is wise.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Creativity is when a stupid clever soul gets up from bed and do amazing things that makes the world think he is wise.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
A stupid is one who thinks that those in power today had clandestine means of getting there, yet wants to get there without thinking of the clandestine route they would be taking.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Your name still rings a bell when you say something good, not by causing catastrophe in a bid to sound more interesting.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
There are two kinds of friends:Those who would risk everything to further your dreams.And those who grudgingly show support because they take you for a rival and a threat.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Bad people often end up as heroes.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't try to make yourself marketable, you'll be surprised to see yourself at the bottom. Stay incognito, and people will peruse the whole world looking for you, by that time, you'll be at the top.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
It was your covenant with the devil to exchange your soul for money and fame, so i won't be sorry for your damn f***ing soul, and the devil gat no time to refund what you had already sell, demons don't understand the meaning of sympathy, you should know that already, so, go make some dollar bill in hell, and come back and give me some.
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