12 Quotes by Michael Bloomberg about jobs
- Author Michael Bloomberg
If you really believe that you're making a difference and that you can leave a legacy of better schools and jobs and safer streets, why would you not spend the money? The objective is to improve the schools, bring down crime, build affordable housing, clean the streets - not to have a fair fight.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
The press really is not doing its job of holding the candidates' feet to the fire. The tough questions are not what are you in favor of, but how are you going to get it through Congress?
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
I will say that walking down the street, getting on the subway, taking the elevator, if there's one or two people and they say, 'Great job, Mayor,' that is a real turn-on. I mean, anybody that wouldn't find that satisfying, rewarding, exciting, thrilling - I think they should see the doctor.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
And I keep saying, whether you like the president or not, everybody has to pull together and help the president because, as the president goes, so goes the country, as the country goes, so goes your job, your ability to feed your family, your government.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
If you have one farm worker, typically they create three jobs with higher compensation and higher skills - the people that pack, the people that ship, the people that inspect, the people that sell, that sort of thing.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
Unemployment in America today is too high. And part of the reason, unfortunately, is that many companies cannot fill the high-skilled jobs increasingly at risk of going overseas.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
We need people from all around the world. We need entrepreneurs, we need students that we're educating in our schools that we then throw out and we should make sure they can stay here. If we don't have the new flux of immigrants, nobody's going to create the jobs for the Americans who are currently out of work.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
Getting the job done has been the basis for the success my company has achieved.
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- Author Michael Bloomberg
The public is upset. If they haven't lost their job, they know somebody that has. If they haven't lost their house, they know somebody that has. What do you do? When something's wrong, it's government's job to fix it, it must be government that's responsible for causing it.
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