18 Quotes by Michael Faust about god
- Author Michael Faust
Wake up! Don’t let them control you. Don’t let them impose an identity on you. Don’t obey them. Never submit to a prophet or a holy book. Think for yourself. Wear what you like. Eat what you like. Pray when you like. Don’t you want to be free rather than a slave? Create your own identity. Create yourself. Because only those who do can become God. Nietzsche, an atheist, came far closer to the True God than any follower of any mainstream religion.
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- Author Michael Faust
Read Nietzsche. Reject all mainstream religions. Your objective is not to worship God, but to become God. Only God has all the answers to the mysteries of life. Therefore if you truly seek those answers then you are seeking the ultimate secret: how to transform yourself into God. It is precisely with this quest that the Philosopher’s Stone and the Holy Grail are intimately involved. That is why they have supreme spiritual power, why they command such enduring fascination.
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- Author Michael Faust
We are part of God and he part of us. We are a community of gods in the making, a society of the divine. Never let anyone tell you that you are bad, a sinner, weak, unworthy, wretched and depraved, in need of Jesus, Moses or Mohammed. You need no one except yourself. You need no faith. It’s knowledge that will deliver you.
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- Author Michael Faust
You shape yourself, you make yourself. There is no one to save you other than yourself. It’s not Christ, Mohammed or Moses who’s responsible for your life, it’s you. In the end, souls judge themselves.
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- Author Michael Faust
If we embark on Nietzsche’s project to become Supermen, to be creators and value makers, to rise to the highest heights, then we are donning the mantle of God. It is by walking in God’s shoes that we enormously increase our chances of contacting our divine spark.
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- Author Michael Faust
Each of us is a “cell” of the Absolute Mind. If we can expand our minds, we can tune into Absolute Mind, the Mind of God. We ourselves, if we can harness Absolute Mind, can become God.
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- Author Michael Faust
It has been said that man was made in the image of God. We want “God” to be made in the image of man: fully actualised man. It’s time for HyperHumanity.
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- Author Michael Faust
Why do you think there are no gods on Mount Olympus now? They killed themselves, that’s why. They were terminally bored.
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- Author Michael Faust
We are all glittering stars and one day we will come together in the brightest star of all – God himself. This is humanity’s destiny. Is that not an inspiring vision of humanity? We are not mere humans; we are divine beings, a community of gods en route to becoming God himself
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