31 Quotes by Mike Hockney about philosophy
- Author Mike Hockney
It’s time to replace the scientific method with the mathematical method. It’s time to recognize that true reality is intelligible, not sensible; noumenal, not phenomenal; unobservable, not observable; metaphysical, not physical; hidden, not manifest; rationalist, not empiricist; necessary, not contingent.
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- Author Mike Hockney
What are photons? They are dimensionless, unitless, massless, pure numbers! Every photon has a specific frequency – which is its number. So, the light of the sun is in fact the light of numbers, the light of mathematics ... the light of reason.
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- Author Mike Hockney
Only one number can stake any claim to any special status, and that is zero – the origin – upon which all other numbers depend. It is the perfect balance point of all the other numbers, which is why the monad is the “container” of all other numbers, their source. There it is, slap bang in the middle of the Euler unit circle, controlling all. It’s the SOUL of the circle.
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- Author Mike Hockney
The war of the ghosts and the machines is the war between mathematics and science. There can be only one winner – mathematics. Dimensionless mathematics is the noumenal ghost at the heart of the dimensional, phenomenal, scientific machine.
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- Author Mike Hockney
Math is nothing – eternally structured, dynamic nothingness. Why does anything exist? Because it’s a special type of nothing – mathematical nothing. It needs nothing, expends nothing, and nothing can stop it, and that’s exactly why it can endure forever. There is only one perfect perpetual motion machine: mathematical nothingness, which is also everything.
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- Author Mike Hockney
Gödel’s scheme has nothing to do with mathematics in and of itself. It concerns false approaches (i.e. non-ontological approaches) to the definition of what math is. The incompleteness theorems proved that such approaches are doomed to failure. Gödel didn’t prove a single thing about what math is. What he proved is what’s it’s not. He proved that it definitely isn’t manmade.
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- Author Mike Hockney
Isn’t it time to become enlightened? Isn’t it time to join the Church of Reason? Abandon all of the other false, irrational religions. Embrace the Truth. Become one with your immortal, indestructible, mathematical soul. “God” did not create your soul. On the contrary, it is itself becoming God!
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- Author Mike Hockney
Reason allows you to be more than human, superhuman, hyperhuman... a God. You can step out of your limited, flawed human prison. You can transcend the human condition, and see reality for what it actually is... a living mathematical organism relentlessly optimising and solving itself.
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- Author Mike Hockney
Mathematics has been described as “not just a language”, as a language plus reasoning, a language plus logic, as a tool for reasoning. In truth, mathematics is reason. It’s how reason manifests itself ontologically. It’s exactly because the universe is made of math that it’s a rational place, obeying the principle of sufficient reason. That’s why everything has an explanation.
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