7 Quotes by Milan Kundera about nostalgia
- Author Milan Kundera
The more vast the amount of time we've left behind us, the more irresistible is the voice calling us to return to it. This pronouncement seems to state the obvious and yet it is false. Men grow old, the end grows near, each moment becomes more and more valuable and there is no time to waste on recollection. It's important to understand the mathematical paradox in nostalgia, that it is most powerful in early youth , when the volume of life that has passed is quite small.
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- Author Milan Kundera
The Greek word for "return" is nostos. Algos means "suffering." So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.
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- Author Milan Kundera
He knew very well that his memory detested him, that it did nothing but slander him; therefore he tried not to believe it and to be more lenient toward his own life. But that didn't help: he took no pleasure in looking back, and he did it as seldom as possible.
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- Author Milan Kundera
How could she feel nostalgia when he was right in front of her? How can you suffer from the absence of a person who is present? You can suffer nostalgia in the presence of the beloved if you glimpse a future where the beloved is no more
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- Author Milan Kundera
If I were a doctor, I would diagnose his condition thus: "The patient is suffering from nostalgic insufficiency.
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- Author Milan Kundera
an old villa surrounded by a garden looked to them like the image of a comforting home, the dream of an idyll long past.
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- Author Milan Kundera
It was the incommunicable scent of this country, its intangible essence, that she had brought along with her to France.
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