4 Quotes by Muhammad Yunus about people

"The system we have built refuses to recognize people. Only credit cards are recognized. Drivers' licenses are recognized. But not people. People haven't any use for faces anymore, it seems. They are busy looking at your credit card, your driver's licence, your social security number. If a driver's licence is more reliable than the face I wear, then why do I have a face?"


"Microcredit has shown how you can reach out to people that conventional banking cannot. It has demonstrated that it's a doable proposition."


"Poverty is not created by poor people. It is produced by our failure to create institutions to support human capabilities."


"If we want to help poor people out, one way to do that is to help them explore and use their own capability. Human being is full of capacity full of capability, is a wonderful creation. But many people never get a chance to explore that, never, no that she nor he has that"
