22 Quotes by Munindra Misra about Wisdom
- Author Munindra Misra
The marks of wise men - adherence to acts, worrying not of any praise be,Rejection of what is blameable; in faith and reverence submerged absolutely.[19] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
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- Author Munindra Misra
Who anger, nor joy, nor pride, nor false modesty, nor stupefaction, nor vanity, Can draw away from the high ends of life, is ever considered wise certainly.[20] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
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- Author Munindra Misra
Whose intended acts, proposed counsels - remain concealed from enemies, Whose acts are known after they have been done – is considered wise only.[21] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
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- Author Munindra Misra
Whose proposed actions are never obstructed by heat, cold or prosperity,Or by the fear of attachment or adversity – is considered wise undoubtedly.[22] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
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- Author Munindra Misra
Polluted who hears not voice of learning, gives no charity,Who sees not pure devotee and walks not to places holy;Who fills with things by crooked practices unhesitatingly,And who ever holds his head high in arrogance and vanity.[212] 12.4 Chanakya
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- Author Munindra Misra
The learned has grieve by instructing foolish disciple surely,As a wicked wife or with the wretched having familiarity.[4] 1.4 Chanakya
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- Author Munindra Misra
A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant begets misery,As living in a house with a serpent in it begets death surely.[5] 1.5 Chanakya
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- Author Munindra Misra
Save money for adversity, wife against riches undoubtedly,But save the soul even against wife and riches invariably.[6] 1.6 Chanakya
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- Author Munindra Misra
Save wealth but never assume it removes all calamity,When riches forsake, amassed stock dwindles rapidly.[7] 1.7 Chanakya
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