100 Quotes by Naved Abdali about Investing
"No amount of diversification can replace investment research. If you want to invest, you have to learn."
"It is always better to avoid hyped stocks and desire to double your money in no time."
"Markets can be volatile from time to time; however, stock prices follow earnings accumulation over the long term."
"Annual performance means nothing to individual investors."
"Professional money managers are worried about their annual results and may take irrational decisions to protect their performance record. Individual investors havenobody to report, and yearly performance does not mean anything to them."
"The advantage of the information-bias in favor of professional money-managers and large investors is almost irrelevant for a long-term investor."
"Recessions are there to take your investment game to the next level. A recession should help you reach your targets sooner."
"All capital investments inherently suffer the risk of permanent capital loss. As an investor, it is your job to differentiate between market volatility and a permanentcapital loss. You can only achieve this when you fundamentally understand why you bought the asset in the first place."
"The number one reason people lose money in investing is because they buy assets without giving any thought whatsoever to the fair value."
"Investing is not about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a life-long journey of prudent investments that grow with time. You need to start small and let the magic of compounding do its trick."