11 Quotes by Neil deGrasse Tyson about physics
- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
Unlike what you may be told in other sectors of life, when observing the universe, size does matter, which often leads to polite ‘telescope envy’ at gatherings of amateur astronomers.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
A bullet fired level from a gun will hit ground at same time as a bullet dropped from the same height. Do the Physics.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
Physics is the only profession in which prophecy is not only accurate but routine.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
And yes, every one of our body's atoms is traceable to the big bang and to the thermonuclear furnaces within high-mass stars that exploded more than five billion years ago.We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out - and we have only just begun.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
In an undistinguished part of the universe (the outskirts of the Virgo Supercluster), in an undistinguished galaxy (the Milky Way), in an undistinguished region (the Orion Arm), an undistinguished star (the Sun) was born.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
There's a variation of the ever popular multiverse idea in which the multiple universes that comprise it are not separate universes entirely, but isolated, non-interacting pockets of space within one continuous fabric of space time - like multiple ships at sea, far enough away from one another so that their circular horizons do not intersect. As far as any one ship is concerned (without further data), it's the only ship on the ocean, yet they all share the same body of water.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
The power and beauty of physical laws is that they apply everywhere, whether or not you choose to believe in them. In other words, after the laws of physics, everything else is opinion.
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
Spheres are indeed fertile theoretical tools that help us gain insight into all manner of astrophysical problems. But one should not be a sphere-zealot. I am reminded of the half-serious joke about how to increase milk production on a farm: An expert in animal husbandry might say, "Consider the role of the cow's diet..." An engineer might say, "Consider the design of the milking machines..." But it's the astrophysicist who says, "Consider a spherical cow...
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- Author Neil deGrasse Tyson
Filling out the entire electromagnetic spectrum, in order of low-energy and low-frequency to high-energy and high-frequency, we have: radio waves, micro waves, ROYGBIV, ultra violet, x rays, and gamma rays.
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