4 Quotes by Nityananda Das about relationships
- Author Nityananda Das
Most women do not have a relationship with God, as they are either unwilling to have one or unaware of how to have one, so they choose a human partner.”“It’s not about gender or age, nor even social conditioning, religious belief or other external preferences. To surrender as Love—in a feminine way—is to become vulnerable, fragile, soft, sincere, open hearted, and “wound-able” as a choice to the alternative of living miserably inside walls and masks, hiding from pain and Joy.
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- Author Nityananda Das
Whenever you want to know what’s wrong or missing in your inner relationship with the Divine, stop, breathe deeply, and observe how is your relationship with the opposite sex.
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- Author Nityananda Das
Monogamous relationships can be based on fear: fear of losing my partner because he might fall in love with another woman, or fear that she may find a more secure man with a deeper purpose than my own to guide and protect her.“Nevertheless it also can be based on love where our commitment to open and be opened by one intimate partner becomes our way to express love for him or her, our children, friends, and ultimately the whole world and Source.
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- Author Nityananda Das
Relationships prove that God exists.
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