18 Quotes by Noam Chomsky about Government
- Author Noam Chomsky
Corporations barely pay taxes. The corporate tax rate is already very low, but corporations have worked out an array of complicated techniques so they often don't have to pay taxes at all... The scale of sheer robbery by corporate power is enormous.
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- Author Noam Chomsky
Small differences in a system of great power can have enormous consequences. [Source: Al Jazeera 'Upfront' interview]
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- Author Noam Chomsky
I personally never expected anything of Obama, and wrote about it before the 2008 primaries. I thought it was smoke and mirrors [...] I don't usually admire Sarah Palin, but when she was making fun of this 'hopey changey' stuff, she was right, there was nothing there. And it was understood by the people who run the political system, and so it's no great secret that the US electoral system is mainly a public relations extravaganza...it's sort of a marketing affair.
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- Author Noam Chomsky
المثقف من حمل الحقيقة في وجه القوة ('cultured from carrying the truth in the face of power')
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- Author Noam Chomsky
Reigning doctrines are often called a "double standard".The term is misleading.It is more accurate to describe them as a single standard,clear and unmistakable,the standard that Adam Smith called the "vile maxim of the masters of mankind: ...All for ourselves,and nothing for other people." Much has changed since his day,but the vile maxim flourishes.
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- Author Noam Chomsky
[W]e have a democracy that uses free elections to put in place known obstructionists, and a media that disproportionately gives a forum to economically driven ideology over sound science.
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- Author Noam Chomsky
The debt is being cynically exploited by the far right, with collusion of the Democrat establishment, to undermine what remains of social programs, public education, unions, and, in general, remaining barriers to corporate tyranny.
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- Author Noam Chomsky
With government deregulation and the triumph of financial liberalization, the dangers of systemic risks, the possibility of a financial tsunami, sharply increased.
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- Author Noam Chomsky
The Iranian government is undoubtedly a severe danger to its own population, but not beyond that.
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