4 Quotes by Oliver Markus Malloy about truth
- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
It would appear that a lot of people out there are hiding their own dark, socially unacceptable sexual fantasies behind a facade of fake indignant outrage when someone else gets caught with their pants down.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Mating has been programmed into our DNA. And that programming always influences our interaction with the opposite sex, whether we like to admit it or not.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
We men really, really, really like sex. We like sex so much, many of us are willing to risk getting in serious trouble to get it. That's why laws against rape haven't stopped rape, and why laws against prostitution haven't stopped prostitution, and why men who cheat on their wives would continue to cheat even if it was illegal, and why gay men continue to be gay even in fundamentalist religious countries like Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality is punishable by death.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Religion is divisive. People kill because of it. I think one day religion will be seen as just as intolerant and wrong as racism.
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