28 Quotes by Ora Nadrich about authentic
- Author Ora Nadrich
The words “I am” are powerful. We are declaring who weare to the universe.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
Honesty, when used aggressively, or meanly towards oneself, is not honesty, but unkindness, or even cruelty. Don’t mistake one for the other. Honesty is not meant to hurt, but to help.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
Honesty, when combined with Mindfulness,is having a keen awareness of what it iswe want to convey, and why.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
And that’s what authenticity is: it’s a choice to be real.We have that choice every moment of our lives. We canchoose to be real and authentic, or we can choose to beinauthentic and to live a lie.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
I am authenticI live in harmony with who I amI am true to my nature
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- Author Ora Nadrich
I am connected to my purposeI am proud of my purposeI enjoy sharing my purpose with others
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- Author Ora Nadrich
Each moment of our lives is magical, as I said, and evenif you’re truly miserable in your job, or doing whatever itis that keeps making you feel miserable, you need to stop,breathe, and tell yourself how lucky you are to be alive.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
I begin each day with a clear intentionMay my intention create the best resultsMay others benefit from my intentions
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- Author Ora Nadrich
You see, when we’re present, and fully focused on the moment we are in, that’s when we can zero in on our intention in such a way that it’s laser sharp. There’s no telling what amazing things we are capable of creating when our focus and awareness are that clear.
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