13 Quotes by Osho about awareness
"I never use the word renunciation at all. I say: "Rejoice in life,in love,in meditation,in the beauties of the world, in the ecstasy of existence--rejoice in everything!" Transform the mundane into the sacred. Transform this shore ino the other shore, transform the earth into paradise.And then indirectly a certain renunciation starts happening. But that happens,you don't do it. It is not a doing, it is a happening."
"Transformation happens only when you put your total energy into it."
"Unconcious makes you interested in other--things, people, but it is always the others. Unconciousness keeps you you completely in the darknesss; your eyes go on being focused on others. It creates a kind of exteriority, it makes you extroverts. Conciousness creates interiority. It makes you introverts; it takes you inward, deeper and deeper."