9 Quotes by P.C. Cast about aphrodite

"Oh for craps sake. You're not dying again, are you? It's seriously inconvenient when you do that." -Aphrodite"


"Because you are the superhero fledgling. I’m just your more attractive sidekick. Oh, and the herd of nerds are your dorky minions."


"People suck. They do stupid things and they're not nice. The end."


"Oh, for crap's sake, I can barely look at it," Aphrodite said, turning her head from the archway and averting her eyes. "And I usually love sparkly things."


"We must have a creature made of Darkness to break through the cage of Darkenss that imprisons your grandmother," Thanatos said. "That creature is me." Aurox stepped forward."Oh, for shit's sake! We are absolutely fucked!" Aphrodite said. Sadly I had to agree with her."


"He's not the brightest crayola in the pack."


"I think most people, and I'm talking vamp or human, are shitty. They put on an act. They pretend to be all nicey-nice, but are really just one step away from showing their true asshole-ness."


"Plus, according to my mother, memories change like people do, especially if there's enough alcohol involved-Aphrodite"


"Bird boy kept us out there in the freezing rain while he yammered about the Red One this and Red One that. Darius got Zoey in here despite his help"."
