5 Quotes by Paddick Van Zyl about god

"We often think we know what is best forus and then we plan and order our lives from this knowledge. God, however, knows the end from the beginning, He is the all ­wise One and He alone knows the future. We can spare ourselves so much sorrow and heartache, often, by going to God first and waiting on Him in prayer and waiting for His timing and plan to unfold, giving Him glory because He has a good plan for all of us."


"God not only provided us with the ability to choose, to make decisions, but He also desires that we make these choices and decisions in consultation with Him, His written word and the guidance of His Holy Spirit."


"God’s plan for us is good, not evil. Well-being and not disaster. He hears us and listens to us when we call out to Him."


"This is the essence – allow God to change you. Present your body, your spirit, your soul, your all to Him to transform you. Not the world. Not other people. Let God do the transforming miracle in your life and see what happens."


"What is the key to life? What will ensure good success? Living a God-centered and Holy Spirit led life. Simple. Uncomplicated"
