39 Quotes by Padmasambhava about Buddhism
"The root of faults is nothing other than your ego-clinging, the attitude of deluded fixation, so cut the ties of ego-clinging! Cast away the fixation on enemy and friend! Forsake worldly concerns! Abandon materialistic pursuits! Engage in nothing but the Dharma from the core of your heart! Just as a seedling doesn't grow on a stone, there will be no enhancement without removing the fault of ego-clinging. You should therefore abandon the root of all evils, ego-clinging. (p. 90)"
"Don't mistake mere words to be the meaning of the teachings. Mingle the practice with your own being and attain liberation from samsara right now. (p. 100)"
"Look into the awakened mind of your own awareness! It has neither form nor color, neither center nor edge. At first, it has no origin but is empty. Next, it has no dwelling place but is empty. At the end, it has no destination but is empty. This emptiness is not made of anything and is clear and cognizant. When you see this and recognize it, you know your natural face. You understand the nature of things. (p. 101)"
"The awakened state of enlightenment is your own awareness that is naturally awake. (p. 102)"
"Whenever you suffer misfortune or illness, think "This repays my karmic debts from former lifetimes and purifies my negative karma!" No matter what happiness you have, regard it as the kindness of the Three Jewels and arouse the strong yearning of devoted gratitude! When you meet with enmity and hatred, think "This is a good friend helping me to cultivate patience!" Think, "This helper for patience is a messenger sent by the victorious ones!" (p. 105)"
"Fortunate ones, mingle your mind with the Dharma and the happiness of buddhahood will manifest within you! (p. 108)"
"Unless you realize that your own mind is the buddha, you will be deceived by the multitude of conceptual thoughts. So realize that your own mind is the buddha!"
"Your numerous worldly pursuits that are not causes for liberation or omniscient enlightenment will, in addition to being futile, only cause further sarnsaric misery. So it is essential to exert yourself, heart and soul and in thought, word, and deed, in accomplishing the unexcelled enlightenment!"
"Resolve to emulate the deeds of all the sublime and noble-minded forefathers and follow the example of holy beings! (p. 111)"
"Without a master you cannot possibly awaken to enlightenment, so follow a qualified master and accomplish whatever he commands. (p. 31)"