193 Quotes by Paramahamsa Nithyananda about inspirational

"Always tell everything to your atma murti. You can pray, cry, express your frustration, joy, gratitude, fight, everything with your atma murti. Continuously talking to your atma linga and atma murti will give shakti and buddhi to change what you need to change and above all bhakti - romance with existence and cosmos continuously!"


"When you feel life is positive, you are excited, inspired, joyful, energetic; you feel life is free will and even the sky is not the limit! You feel full of energy, enthusiasm, excitement and you feel everyone is good. You do all good to you but praise that everyone is doing good to you!"


"Anywhere life is flourishing, you can see the non violent beings produced by the hindu ecosystem and their contribution. Anywhere hindus go and settle, they are the richest ethnic community!"


"Whether my work as a healer to heal people from diseases, or my work as a teacher to teach all these great sciences to people, or my work as a guru initiating all of you into this superconscious breakthrough, or my role as an incarnation to shower boons, experiences, blessings, enlightenment, everything on all of you, I can play all my roles with such excitement, tirelessly, because I can see the world as it is, reality as it is."




"This love is the love which comes from your being when you see the reality as it is (neither life positive nor life negative, just reality as it is) That love empowers you! My love not only empowers me, it empowers everyone of you who receives it."


"When you listen to guruvak, not only you escape from all suffocation, side effects, after effects, you are showered by all auspiciousness."


"I have made thousands of people achieve liberation, enlightenment itself, just by breaking this one pattern - obsessive compulsive reactionary pattern. Same way, I have made millions walk out of their diseases including cancer, just by giving bhasma - sacred ash - and helping them walk out of this obsessive compulsive reactionary pattern."


"I have seen how people create delusions, suffocation, suffering, torture themselves and others, with this obsessive compulsive reactionary pattern. If you break from this pattern, you will start living in anandamaya kosha."


"Whatever good karma you have done, the good karma will also come. But the bad karma you can’t escape. Only an enlightened being who does not have karma, only an incarnation, can save you from your karma."
