193 Quotes by Paramahamsa Nithyananda about inspirational
"It is like this: there is a continuous current of chatter happening in you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. From this current a few spikes rise. These spikes are what you feel and express as worries. Worries are nothing but spikes in the current of thoughts constantly moving within you."
"Joy never gets recorded as thoughts, but pain does. That’s why our internal recordings are always negative thoughts. Joy is like a blank recording! For example, if your entire life is like a time shaft, on that shaft the joyful moments are simply empty spaces! There won’t be any recording corresponding to it.But the moments of worry and suffering will be clearly recorded as black impressions."
"When you see what is as it is, you are in heaven. When you want to see what you want to see, you are in hell. If you understand that everything is auspiciousness, you will drop expectation and see things as they are, because everything is auspiciousness."
"Worry is an unwanted legacy passed down from grandparents to parents to children. Children are like sponges. They simply absorb the body language and attitude of the parents. The parents are not even aware this ishappening. For example, if a child hears the mother repeating a certain worry four or five times, the child simply internalizes the habit.He grows up repeating statements unnecessarily, which is one attribute of worry."
"The problem is that parents expect their children to worry! If they don’t worry, they brand them as uncaring. It is possible to care without worrying. Care is doing, worry ischattering. There is no use chattering. Chattering is like trying to cross a bridge before it comes."
"Awareness is nothing but bringing our focus to exactly what is happening in and around us. It is witnessing. Anything that we watch with awareness will dissolve. That is the power of awareness; whether it is physicalpain, mental pain, worry, or something else. When we watch with awareness, we stop the conflict somewhere within us. We start moving with the natural flow of things."
"When we watch worry with awareness, we focus light on exactly how worry is created, how it exists. Once this happens, the Anything that we watch with awareness will dissolve. Worry starts to dissolve and clarity starts happening."
"In life worries are the knots in the handkerchief. If we look at them with awareness, we will know how to dissolve them. We will see exactly how the worry was created and then know how to ‘untie’ it. The worry itself will teach us how to release it."
"When you ferment love in you, creation manifests in you. You become larger than what you always thought.When you ferment bliss, sustenance happens. When you ferment ferociousness, rejuvenation happens.When you ferment powerful cognitions you are pulled out of delusion the throbhava energy happens in you.When you allow the guru bhakti - devotion, or initiation to ferment in you, liberation happens."
"Every person allows something to ferment in their system continuously.Sometimes you allow anger to get fermented. Sometimes you allow peace to get fermented. Sometimes you allow frustration to get fermented. Sometimes you allow fear to get fermented. But continuously, something or other is getting fermented in you. That is the truth. There is no time when some emotion is not getting fermented in you."