51 Quotes by Patience Johnson about imagination
"Wherever problem persist, wisdom is lacking. There is no problem anywhere except wisdom problem. Wisdom provides solutions where there is complications."
"When wisdom comes, transformation comes. Wisdom makes the difference between the succeeding man and the failing man."
"The money you are looking for is not in any country, phd or your designer outlook, it is in wisdom. Solomon never prayed for wealth but he asked for wisdom."
"God's word will produce with your level of understanding. The much you can understand it, the more wisdom you are privileged to have."
"School does not make people, it is learning that makes people great, that is why you see first class students fail and poor. The world is not ruled by those who went to school, it is ruled by those who learn everyday."
"Sure we all need money but what do you really focus on? It is a matter of the heart. If your thoughts are on material and worldly things, no good fruits can come out of it.Seek the kingdom of God first and the other things shall be added unto you not vice versa."
"If you want to see the beauty of any fish, throw it into the water, you will see how best it can swim because that is its source. Do you want to see the beauty in you? Don't look in the mirror, don't put on makeups, no jewelleries or expensive designer clothes, just go back and reconnect to your source and I bet, the best of you will show up. Until you return back to God, your best won't come out because He is your source."
"If want to become a person with vision, get back and reconnect to your source."
"We are so much distracted nowadays. There is so much distractions in the world today call it internet, media, football matches etc. but don't let it consume you."
"Poor means when we lack things in our lives. There are two types of poverty. ...those that need food and shelter and those that need God in their lives. We are called to service to help both group of people as much as we can."