4 Quotes by Paulo Coelho about marriage
- Author Paulo Coelho
I needed to choose between the one thing that really filled m thoughts-my love for that woman-and losing my freedom and all the choices that the future promised me. To be honest, the decision was easy.-Lukas Jessen-Petersen
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- Author Paulo Coelho
ومن اجل هذه الأحدى عشرة دقيقة المقطعة من يوم كامل ( هذا اذ افترضنا أن جميعالرجال يمارسون الجنس مع زوجاتهم يوميا . وهذا امر غير معقول لا بل مخالف للحقيقة ). يتزوج الرجال ويلتزمون أنفسهم بتحمل أعباء عيالهم ويتحملون بكاء أطفالهم ويرتبكونفى تقديم الذرائع لدى رجوعهم الى المنزل فى وقت متأخر
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- Author Paulo Coelho
I was very happy in both my marriages. I was unfaithful and so were they, just like any other normal couple.
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- Author Paulo Coelho
I'm not saying that love always takes you to heaven. Your life can become a nightmare. But that said, it is worth taking the risk.
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