7 Quotes by Paulo Coelho about society
- Author Paulo Coelho
Something was very wrong with civilisation, and it wasn't the destruction of the Amazon rainforest or the ozone layer, the death of the panda, cigarettes, carcinogenic foodstuffs or prison conditions, as the newspapers would have it.It was precisely the thing she was working with: sex.
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- Author Paulo Coelho
Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.
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- Author Paulo Coelho
It’s whatever the majority deems it to be. It’s not necessarily the best or the most logical, but it’s the one that has become adapted to the desires of society as a whole.
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- Author Paulo Coelho
Society had more and more rules, and laws that contradicted the rules, and new rules that contradicted the laws. People felt too frightened to take even a step outside the invisible regulations that guided everyone's lives.
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- Author Paulo Coelho
Each human being is unique, each with their own qualities, instincts, forms of pleasure, and desire for adventure. However, society always imposes on us a collective ways of behaving, and people never stop to wonder why they should behave like that. They just accept it, the way typists accepted the fact that the QWERTY keyboard was the best possible one. Have you ever met anyone is your entire life who asked why the hands of a clock should go in one particular direction and not the other?
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- Author Paulo Coelho
If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry.
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- Author Paulo Coelho
If someone isn't what others want them to be, the other become angry.
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