10 Quotes by Pervez Hoodbhoy about science
- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
Even the elites in developing countries know nothing about the development of calculus or electromagnetism and why, without these theoretical tools, the modern products of science would have been impossible. Indeed, appreciation and internalization of science cannot occur without the simultaneous development of a rational, modern and egalitarian system of education.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
Objectivity is made possible because experiment and logical consistency are the sole arbiters of truth - of no consequence is the scientist's mood or moral character, his political beliefs or nationality. or even his status in the world of science. On this last point, consider, for example, that Einstein was never taken too seriously when he (wrongly) set out to criticize quantum mechanics - this in spite of the fact that he was acknowledged as the greatest living physicist of the time.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
Civilization, as we know it today, is defined in large measure by science.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
The Hanbalite Ibn Taymiya understood Ilm (knowledge) as referring to that knowledge which derives from the Prophet. Everything else he regarded either as useless or no science at all, even though it might be called by that name.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
To conclude, there is nothing in Muslim mathematics which could be called Islamic mathematics. If there is a difference, then that difference is simply that Muslim civilization did better than any of the others for the 500 years of its Golden Age
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
First stage of Islamic scientific development was essentially an assimilation of imported knowledge and Muslim scholars had only a secondary role to play as translators.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
Should a non-Muslim have alleged that Muslim science is but a regurgitation of Greek Science, one can safely suppose that he would be angrily challenged. But coming from supposed defenders of the faith, these insults to Muslim science and Its heroes have drawn little reaction.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
The proponents of this bizarre science are not the traditional ulema but, instead, holders of high-level degrees in scientific fields. Most of them have studied in the West, although almost none of them have any significant professional achievements to their credit. Islamic science provides a refuge from the challenge of doing difficult science.
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- Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
Science may have transformed the world into a global village, but it has yet to teach the villagers to learn to talk with and understand each other.
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