4 Quotes by Peter Singer about views

  • Author Peter Singer
  • Quote

    We see things like reciprocity which are fairly central to our view of ethics. But if you're talking about a set of worked-out rules on what we are supposed to do then, yes, it is a human product.

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  • Author Peter Singer
  • Quote

    Somebody who eats twice as much factory-farmed products as he or she needs to is clearly doing twice as much damage to the planet. From a utilitarian point of view, that's twice as bad.

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  • Author Peter Singer
  • Quote

    The traditional view of the sanctity of human life will collapse under pressure from scientific, technological and demographic developments.

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  • Author Peter Singer
  • Quote

    So, basically, my view is I don't want to support the exploitation of animals, and within reason, I will do what I can to avoid it, but it's not like it's a religion for me. It's not like I consider I'm polluted if somehow some bit of milk or cheese or something passes my lips.

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