4 Quotes by Petros Scientia about faith
- Author Petros Scientia
We’re not ashamed of Jesus Christ or the divine revelation that comes from Him.
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- Author Petros Scientia
We don’t define faith as an intellectual exercise where we either make ourselves believe (which is make-believe), or else we interpret the physical evidence while “holding to the right presuppositions.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Faith isn’t making believe but comes by hearing and hearing by God’s rhema.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Real faith and reason don’t fit the mold of traditional thinking but come from the person of Christ rather than a human viewpoint. And yet we need prayer to understand them since they come from a place totally different from the usual ineffective, weak, soft, inductive ways of thinking. Those old ways of thinking process thought but never come to the knowledge of the truth.
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