47 Quotes by Petros Scientia about truth
- Author Petros Scientia
We have never observed or experienced anything objectively. We have always had some sort of outside influence or preconception. If nothing else, we had the impulses of our emotions that drove us and kept us from seeing reality as it really is. And we have always added unreality to our worldviews. That unreality came from our imaginations and became the fake inner reality each of us calls “our worldview.” As insane as it may be, some even call it their “own reality.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Truth is only available in Christ.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Christ is real and knowable.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Whoever sincerely seeks Christ receives Christ, and Christ reveals truth.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Christ leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.
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- Author Petros Scientia
We know Christ exists because we know Him.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Christ speaks through the Bible and every means of divine revelation in the Bible.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Without Christ, the human mind resorts to made-up stuff for reason.
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- Author Petros Scientia
Every argument against the Bible is based on made-up stuff.
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