9 Quotes by Philip Zaleski about openness
- Author Philip Zaleski
We still thought that we were the only two people in the world who were interested in the right kind of things in the right kind of way. C.S. Lewis
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- Author Philip Zaleski
The arts are the best Time Machine we have." C. S. Lewis
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- Author Philip Zaleski
As the honors accrued, creativity diminished.
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- Author Philip Zaleski
The church marched into his heart. Williams never abandon Anglicanism; he pushed at its borders.
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- Author Philip Zaleski
He called himself Jack, a plain handshake of a name, a far cry from the Clive Staples he had been christened, and to be Jack was the hard work of a lifetime.
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- Author Philip Zaleski
She had responded to the loss of her husband, to poverty, to disease, and to family cruelty with boldness and ingenuity, by opening herself to others, especially to her children and her Church, pouring into these precious vessels her knowledge, hope, and devotion.
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- Author Philip Zaleski
He loved his family, his friends, his writing, his painting; he knew their flaws, but they neither surprised nor embittered him.
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- Author Philip Zaleski
Resignation is the better part of wisdom.
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- Author Philip Zaleski
Tolkien regretted "the degeneration of real curiosity and enthusiasm," and called for research motivated by love of knowledge rather than hunger for a job.
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