5 Quotes by Positively Sherry about hope
- Author Positively Sherry
She said, I hope I can add a little color in the world with my thoughts, my dreams and my hope in mankind.
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- Author Positively Sherry
The Soul can heal by getting closer to God, it’s the mind that creates the distance
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- Author Positively Sherry
Fearlessly Be You...Faith feels like your falling off a cliff...but you find the courage you jump anyway!
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- Author Positively Sherry
It took dust in my eyes to see clearly, it took fasting for me to understand hunger & it took forgiveness for me know love.
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- Author Positively Sherry
She said...one day you will change the World by the way you think, the way you act and the way you dream. Until then I will hold you close and remind you that you are PURE LOVE.
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