9 Quotes by Quinn Loftis about humor

"When you say gorgeous,” Jen started, “are we talking Brad Pitt boyish good looks, or Johnny Depp make ya want to slap somebody?” “No, we’re talking Brad and Johnny need to bow down and recognize” Jacque answered."


"Listen carefully, Lucas Steele, because I will only say this once. I am NOT your mate, I will never be your mate, and if you ever put your hands on me again I will cut them off along with other body parts you might want to use one day. Got it?" Jacque told him with as much force as she could put behind her words."


"Fine, but if you get yourself killed I reserve the right to flush your ashes down the toilet while I sing the theme from Titanic."


"She paused and the looked at Decebel 'except you. You might as well put on a tuu, a tiara, and carry a scepter because you're the queen of the idiot procession!"


"B, hows your aim?"


"No, we’re talking Brad and Johnny need to bow down and recognize,” Jacque answered."


"All I got to say is if she said no, shemight not want to go to sleep tonight'cause I'm going to dye her hair blonde to compliment her being a dumb ass," Jen told them. "Uh, Jen, you're a blonde," Jacque pointed out."No, not really, God just got it wrong and it was too late to change it once He noticed."


"Sally laughed. "When you first told me you were interested in Decebel, I honestly thought that there was no way you two would ever work. But man, you are both such freaks, I honestly don't think anyone else could put up with either of you.""Or keep up with us." Jen winked."


"Jen, get a clue and read Wadim's shirt." Jacque told her dryly.Jen looked over at Wadim who, oh so helpfully, pulled his shirt out so that she could read it.In black bold letters it said, "No really, I'm a werewolf and you're a human, which essentially translates into a steak with legs.""Are you implying that Wadmin's going to eat me, cause I don't know how Dec would feel about that."
