38 Quotes by Rachel Held Evans about christianity

  • Author Rachel Held Evans
  • Quote

    Philip got out of God's way. He remembered that what makes the gospel offensive isn't who it keeps out, but who it lets in. Nothing could prevent the eunuch from being baptized, for the mountains of obstruction had been plowed down, the rocky hills had been made smooth, and God had cleared a path. There was holy water everywhere.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    These were people who wore their brokenness on the outside, people whose indiscretions were so other, so uncommon, their entire personhood was relegated to the category of sinner. They were the people the religious loved to hate, for they provided a convenient sorting mechanism for externalizing sin...It's the oldest religious shortcut in the book: the easiest way to make oneself righteous is to make someone else a sinner.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    But this friend knows better than most the nature of eucharisteo - thanksgiving - how it entered through our soft spots and seeps in through our cracks...This is why I need the Eucharist.I need the Eucharist because I need to begin each week with open hands.I need the Eucharist because I need to practice letting go and letting in. I need the Eucharist because I need to quit keeping score.

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