32 Quotes by Rachel Held Evans about faith

  • Author Rachel Held Evans
  • Quote

    When we want to know about a person's friends and associates, we look at the people with whom she eats, and when we want to measure someone's social status against our own, we look at the sort of dinner parties to which he gets invited...Just as a bad ingredient may contaminate a meal, we often fear bad company may contaminate our reputation or our comfort.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
  • Quote

    Doubt is a difficult animal to master because it requires that we learn the difference between doubting God and doubting what we believe about God. The former has the potential to destroy faith; the latter has the power to enrich and refine it. The former is a vice; the latter a virtue.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
  • Quote

    I would argue that healthy doubt (questioning one's beliefs) is perhaps the best defense against unhealthy doubt (questioning God). When we know how to make a distinction between our ideas about God and God himself, our faith remains safe when one of those ideas is seriously challenged.

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