24 Quotes by Rajesh` about mind
- Author Rajesh`
In a way, our brains mimic the universe in the way they have turned out. They are far from perfect, not fully evil yet not fully good, not fully brilliant yet not fully naive.
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- Author Rajesh`
The brain that sees reality is also the one that hallucinates. How do you know which is which, and if your mind is playing tricks on you?
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- Author Rajesh`
My mind is wired in a way where peace and panic are the binary states of my existence. I am either in your face, or nowhere to be seen.
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- Author Rajesh`
Your mind is a time travel machine that you were born with and will always have. It doesn’t need to comply with any laws of physics.
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- Author Rajesh`
Don’t experience the beauty of the rain by watching raindrops fall on the ground, but do so by becoming the rain instead.
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- Author Rajesh`
Forever remember that the omnipresent patterns and cycles around us are invisible to the mind that’s unwilling to wonder and be humbled.
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- Author Rajesh`
The plain vanilla reality is all too boring for us, and we invent the mystical to entertain us.
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- Author Rajesh`
The pattern recognition power in our minds helps us see a helical structure in our DNA, and yet we are more focused on finding the face of God in clouds.
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- Author Rajesh`
Funny things those, our minds. They are flawed and yet phenomenal. A mixture of beauty and ugliness, complexity and simplicity, good and evil, elegance and mess.
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